Baldi's Basics in Death and Pasta Cliches

I was bored today,so I decided to check if Markiplier had uploaded a new video.To my surprise and joy,he had.It was a Baldi's Basics video.After I finished the video,I thought "Man,I need this game."I walked to my local video game store,but just across my house I found a creepy hobo selling used games.
"Do you want anything here,young man?"he asked in a deep,hoarse voice.His table was mostly cluttered with shovel ware for consoles I didn't care for,but then something caught my attention.Baldi's Basics!It was covered in rat feces and hyperrealistic blood,but I thought it was a glitch,and I really needed to relive some childhood nostalgia,so I bought it for 5$."Are you sure that's what you want,lad?"the old man croaked,in a demonic voice."The last owner of this game was never seen again."I thought he was just making crap up to scare me,so I ignored him and took the game home.
When I put it in my PC,my background was messed up,morphing into a picture of a man with his arms and legs missing,bleeding profusely,neck broken in half.But I thought it was a glitch,so I moved on.The intro of the game was normal.Except for one frame.It lasted only a second,but boy did it leave an impression.Baldi's cheerful expression was replaced with a scowl of pure rage,eyes bloodshot,ruler and blackboard caked in hyperrealistic blood.But that wasn't the worst part of it all.No,the worst part was the text.Instead of the usual text,all that was said was "You cannot run."Spooky.But I thought it was a glitch,so I moved on.
The game started off as normal,with Baldi's greeting me and completing the first notebook.It's when I reached the second one that things went downhill.The first 2 questions were normal,but when I got the impossible one wrong,Baldi didn't just frown.His eyes turned black with red pupils.Then,it happened.
When I left the room,Baldi's chased after me.But he was now even WORSE.His entire body was hyperrealistic,much too advanced for Windows 5.His eyes were now bleeding,and his ruler was covered in hyperrealistic blood.He was also faster than sound.When I thought I lost him by hiding in a room,after getting the third notebook,I grabbed a pair of scissors and a hidden object Not in the game,a kitchen knife.I needed any weapon I could find.
The hallways were coated in hyperrealistic blood,with amputated body parts moving,reaching out to grab me.Then I saw Playtime.Not wanting to put up with her #$%€,I grabbed the scissors and cut the rope.But I didn't just cut the rope.I cut her HEAD OFF.Hyperrealistic blood poured out her neck,and that's when the Principal of the Thing found me."NO KILLING IN THE HALLS"he screeched demonically."~ HOURS,DETENTION FOR YOU!WHEN WILL YOU LEARN?"Welp,I guess I was in the office forever,waiting till Baldi found me.Unluckily for me,he entered the office the minute I thought that.But he didn't go after me.He went after the PRINCIPAL.As Baldi's bashed the principals head into a bloody pulp,I made my move to escape.
I found the fourth notebook,before I ran into the bully blocking my way.I first refused to hand him an item,but then I saw Baldi's racing towards me.So I threw the scissors,straight into his face.He died right in front of me,but there were more important issues at hand.I managed to evade Baldi and get noteboo #5.Two more to go.
The hallways were oddly quiet."This isn't right"I told myself.Then,Gotta Sweep came sweeping down the halls,covered in hyperrealistic blood.I tried to escape,but Baldi's was on the other side of the hall.Hopeless,I let Gotta Sweep take care of him.Gotta Sweep was destroyed in a millisecond,but that was enough time to escape and find the 6th notebook.When I left the classroom,1st Prize and Arts n Crafters were on the other side of the hallway.They both had baseball bats,covered in hyperrealistic blood.And that were headed towards ME.I ran for my life,but they were just as fast,and catching up.Luckily,I found a classroom in the nick of time.
I completed the final notebook,but Baldi's didn't do his normal congratulations speech.Peeking out of the class,I saw the dead,bloody,mutilated,decapitated,hyperrealistic corpses of 1st Prize and Atrs and Crafters.Baldi's speech finally came on,but this time,he was right in front of me.The speech started as normal,but at the "GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN" part,Baldi's eyes exploded.He chased me faster than he ever did before.I put up a good chase,but then,I was cornered.Baldi slowly roamed towards me,wearing a sadistic grin.I thought it was the end for sure.But then I remembered something.The kitchen knife!I grabbed it and sliced Baldi into a million pieces,sawing off his limbs,ripping out his teeth and tongue,until he was just a pile of flesh.
I took off into the cafeteria,and sprinted out the door,getting the good ending.I decided to do some research on this game,and I found out the creator of this game went insane and killed 20 children.I figured this game must be haunted by the spirit of one of his victims.I took the game to my kitchen,and smashed it to pieces.Then a Baldi's plush popped out and killed me.
P.S Your next